Mr. Dinesh Kute
Assistant Professor (Maths.)
Department Exam Coordinator
10+ Years

Dr. Neha Sharma
Assistant Professor (Maths.)
Internal Evaluation Coordinator
13+ Years
Rules and Regulations
- Rule 1:
- Rule 2:

Dr. Amol Kharche
Assistant Professor (Chemistry.)
Oral/Practical/TW coordinator
14+ Years
Rules and Regulations
- Rule 1:
- Rule 2:

Dr. Brijesh Deshmukh
Assistant Professor (English.)
Registration coordinator
15+ Years
Rules and Regulations
- Rule 1:
- Rule 2:

Dr. Sachin Shinde
Assistant Professor (English.)
Summer Term/Exam coordinator
14+ Years

Mrs. Vithika Sidhabhatti
Assistant Professor (English.)
Summer Term/Exam coordinator
14+ Years
Rules and Regulations
- Rule 1:
- Rule 2: